Stories To Entertain (Fiction Projects)
(From The Reluctant Psychic Mystery Series)
A voice in Annie's head is talking murder and after two people die, she's terrified when the voice says, "You can hear me, can't you?"
Annie O’Reilly is excited to keynote at a medical conference that will boost her reputation and spur big growth in her business -- until she hears the voice. Someone is in danger, but to help means turning her attention from business to revealing her secret and being considered a freak. But when a person dies, Annie is torn and guilt-ridden. Should she ignore her “gift” or confide in someone? And then another death. To act now will mean someone needs to believe her, especially when the voice says, with stunning force, “You can hear me, can’t you…?”
Non-Fiction Projects
Write. Market. Succeed.
A Step-By-Step Guide for How to Successfully Market You & Your Book for Aspiring and Published Authors
The marketing playbook by Nicolette Lemmon is based on her expertise in running a marketing consulting firm for over thirty years and Marketing Network Groups for writers. The premise is that writing and publishing books is a business, and all businesses need good marketing strategy to be successful.
There are numerous outlets selling Write. Market. Succeed. and here are a few:
Barnes & Noble
It’s About the Story
The best thing that I uncovered about myself is that I’m a storyteller. Whether nonfiction, fiction, or client marketing, the ability to craft a good story helps my messages be more effective, more entertaining, and more successful.
From my years of work in the marketing industry, I love to help other writers with marketing ideas. The ability to turn the marketing message into a story is a surefire way to light up the imagination of the reader. My goal is to build my readership base through stories about my work, my brand.
Plus, every writer can use a good support system. I am a member of Sisters in Crime, the national organization for the development of women crime writers, serving on the Education Committee and a board member of a local chapter.

Sisters in Crime Podcast
Julie A. Hennrikus, the Executive Director of the Sisters in Crime: interviewed Nicki for her podcast about Nicki's book, "Write. Market. Succeed An Author's Marketing Playbook."
You can listen to the 2-part interview from this website here: Part 1 and Part 2.
Alternatively, clink on the image to the right, or click on the following link to listen on your favorite podcast platform
Join Me on the Journey...
If you want to find out more about my writing projects, provide your email address, and to let me know which you would like to receive:
• Simply Stated Sundays - an email message every Sunday provides you with a great way to start your week. From insights to exercises, you will find ways to bring more hope, joy, abundance and adventure into your life.
• The Reluctant Psychic Mystery Series Newsletter – once a month, you’ll receive a newsletter with more about Annie O’Reilly and her adventures as a “gifted” amateur sleuth! You’ll receive fun facts, new book release info, short stories about the characters, and more to bring the Annie’s world to you.
• Promotional Offers – periodically, you will receive email notices of special offers for books, guidebooks, journals, and more.
• Or, if you want a speaker– for a conference or a meeting about:
- The Year of Living Creatively workbook
- Almost Famous Marketing Yourself for Success workbook
- or a wide variety of marketing topics