When you have a lot of projects, maybe family or work is really keeping you busy, sometimes worry creeps in and derails your efforts. It's the doubt about succeeding or getting things done, that messes with your head.
Do you recall the adage, "Why worry, why fret, neither's gotten me anything yet?"
It's really true! In a 2019 study from Penn State University, a 30-day study showed "a whopping 91 percent of worries were false alarms. And of the remaining 9 percent of worries that did come true, the outcome was better than expected about a third of the time." * While the researchers did find that some people use worrying as a way of coping, it seems a waste of your energy to fret about something that probably will not happen.
Try this: Say No to Worry - Yes to Daydreaming
The next time your mind gets consumed with worrying thoughts, here is a quick way to get back on track:
- Take 3-5 relaxing breaths allowing you to get centered.
- Think about the issue(s) as they have been in the past.
- Turn your attention to the issue(s) as they are right now.
- Finally, allow your mind to daydream about a great day without the issue(s).
The value in using a simple exercise of past, present and future will make you feel better by shifting the perspective on one or more issues. Key is to spark your positivity to get back on track.
* How Often Do Your Worries Actually Come True? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/think-act-be/201907/how-often-do-your-worries-actually-come-true#