Be a Blessing

On a recent trip, a song verse kept running through my mind. Bugged me not to be able to place it and gave me a fun turn down a rabbit hole. It was the third verse of "Away in a Manger." Here is the verse:

Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray

Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to heaven
To live with Thee there*

While the original song from 1892 was titled, "Cradle Song," the verse gave me comfort which gave me an inspiration.

Try this: Be a Blessing

During the holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years, consider the ability to share your love, faith, and joy. No matter if you don’t immediately realize how to be a blessing, here is an idea from author and coach, Tony Robbins**:

“A kind word, a compliment, a listening ear, laughter shared, a handwritten note of encouragement sent to bring a smile to a loved one’s face. These seemingly simple acts are truly so much more - they are an offering of our time, our presence, a deeper connection. A powerful gesture so that others feel seen, appreciated, and loved.

And the truth is, when you begin to turn your focus outward and look for ways to bring more joy, appreciation, gratitude, kindness, caring, and love to others, in return you will experience more beauty and greater blessings than you ever could imagine.”

If you want to smile, find a way to be a blessing today!

** Tony Robbin's Post,

2 thoughts on “Be a Blessing”

  1. Good advice Nikki. Your Dad sure gave a smile to everyone he met. If everyone would do this our world would be a better place. Thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Cuz.

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