Bring Your Desire to Life

As Halloween harkens the beginning of the holiday season, there are so many people pushing products to help set goals and get ready for next year. Most of the goal setting is focused on what the person desires to happen in life. That led me to think about how our future is wide open and that's why it’s important to know what we want.

The definition of desire is, "a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen."* And, while identifying a desire is key, it is also important to enjoy ourselves every day as in this quote in Today's Daily Wisdom:

"With practice, we can train ourselves to consistently be present, delighting in our unique, transient, and priceless experience." **

If you already have a desire, whether a chance to travel, a career move, a new place to live or to retire, the key is to identify it.

Try this: Bring Your Desire to Life

You may have goals and projects that consume your time right now, so this exercise is meant to get in touch with a desire or dream to start building.  Once you make decisions about your desire, you can discover ways to achieve it. Here is a start:

  • What is something special that I want to do in the next three years?
  • What kind of ideas describe how it will look or feel when I get my desire?
  • What will make me the happiest about moving my desire from wishing to fulfilled?
  • What small step can I take today?

The idea of taking a small step today is to give your desire attention and traction. Then next year you can weave it into your goal setting!

* Definition of Desire - Oxford Languages Dictionary
** Today’s Daily Wisdom,

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