Looking across my desk that is dominated by a tower computer with two screens, a laptop, a land-line phone in a holder and a cell phone, I realized a surprising fact. In addition to all of the technology, on my desktop there are also handwritten paper notes, spiral notebooks and Post-it notes. It hit me that when I want to remember something, I write it down!
Most of us spend too much time in front of our phone or computer screen. In fact, according to an article in Psychology Today, "Writing by hand instead of typing deepens content processing and supports emotional health." * In addition, the article cited studies that handwritten notes are linked to increased learning among students as well as fighting cognitive decline in older adults.
The idea of brain connectivity with picking up a pen and piece of paper gave me an idea. When stuck, there is a better way to jumpstart ideas, move forward and help my brain.
Try this: Stuck? Write Yourself a Note
If you find yourself blankly staring at a phone or computer screen when stuck, there is value in picking up a pen and paper. This week, handwrite answers to starter questions like:
- How does this situation stump me?
- What change do I need to make?
- Is there a shift I can try?
If your pen doesn't start moving across the paper, begin doodling to get started. The idea is that holding a pen helps connect your hand muscles to your brain and ideas will flow onto the paper.
* Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Your Brain, https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/positively-media/202403/writing-by-hand-can-boost-brain-connectivity#