Change is good – Really it is!

When a big change is staring you in the face, has someone told you not to worry because "change is good." But is it really?

As creatures of habit, when challenged, it's hard for us because habits keep our lives glued together. So, what's another way to look at it?

Author and poet, Maya Angelou, had a great one, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." *

Key to dealing with change is how you frame it.

Try this: Change is good - Really it is!

While change can be tough for any of us, there are some benefits to embracing it. From new ideas to better paths, the idea of change can be worrisome yet good for us.  During the week when something comes up, here is an idea:

  • Write down the positives that have come from this change. There is value in getting it out of your head to lessen the negativity that change can cause.
  • Back away from social media to avoid feeling at risk when others are posting fun life events while you're just trying to cope.
  • Finally, give yourself a break by shifting your mood with silly animal reels or comedians on TikTok. Laughing decreases cortisol that is a stress-producing hormone. **

For a big change, our egos are triggered to protect us with warnings and negativity. So, the idea of finding a positive spin is important to move forward with a smile. And you know I'm all about finding ways to smile through life!

* Maya Angelou,
** Psychology Today, 10 Ways to Cope With Big Changes,

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