In life, there are often special people who make a big impact on your outlook. One of those people in mine is my Aunt Jane, 93 years old, and still showing me how to be upbeat about life's challenges!
My aunt has had a lot of trials, from losing her father as a child, her two brothers from separate drunk driver incidents, her first husband at age 24 to an aneurism, her daughter to brain injuries from a car accident, and her second husband to cancer. While all of these life experiences could have turned her dark and angry at the world, she has always shown resilience which the Oxford dictionary says means "able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions."
Now, my cherished aunt is adapting to the assisted living place she calls, "The Home," leaving the cute home she loved, the garden she tended, and the neighbors who watched over her. Still, she enjoys coffee most mornings with her girlfriends at the local County Market and is always ready with a smile or laugh.
Try this: Bounce Back with Resilience
When life throws us curve balls, consider: "Resilience is about how well we're able to cope, adapt or 'bounce back' when we experience hardship or trauma. Resilience is important for everyone..." So, to be resilient:
- Take a break, even ten minutes, to sit quietly and think about your strengths.
- Write in a journal a list of when you’ve been successful or done exciting things.
- Treat yourself to a favorite candy, cookie or snack and enjoy the smile it gives you.
- Try exercising to get your endorphins flowing or standing like a superhero with hands on hips, head held high!
The good thing is these ideas can jumpstart a better mood which helps you bounce back. Then, instead of wallowing in disappointment, you’ll be moving forward with a smile, just like the one my resilient Aunt Jane gives.