Ditch the Resolutions – Simply Imagine!

Recently, so many emails have come into my inbox mentioning how to do better goal setting or ways to make resolutions for the New Year. It is interesting that the concept of giving thought to what to accomplish in the year ahead can be traced up to 4000 years ago to the ancient Babylonians who “believed if they fulfilled their new year promises, then the Gods would look favourably upon them in the new year.” *

The idea of resolutions and goals is to create a fresh start for the year. But I found myself this morning just staring at a blank page wondering what to resolve to do this year. To get myself in gear, I found a fun new idea.

Try this: Ditch the Resolutions - Simply Imagine!

If you're ready to try something fresh and inspiring, here are some ways to tap your imagination. Here are some ideas to help you start envisioning an ideal year:

  • Focus on your Word of the Year - Start with understanding why you chose it and the ways it can motivate you. (Read more on my blog post here https://nicolettelemmon.com/inspiring-word-for-the-year/)
  • Play with creating a Vision Board - Grab a piece of paper, glue, scissors, and some magazines or photos off your computer and use words or phrases that build off your Word.  It helps you imagine things that would be awesome to come true this year. (Read more on my blog post here: https://nicolettelemmon.com/focus-on-your-dream-with-a-vision-board/)
  • Daydream about ways to Create a Legacy - While it is bigger than a resolution, focus on something that will help you define what you'd like to leave behind. Figure it's about leaving an impression on your loved one's lives.  (Read more on my blog post here https://nicolettelemmon.com/declare-your-legacy/)

With the year stretching out in front of us, make it one for the record books using your imagination. My word for the year is "Brave!" Next step is to create a new vision board and then I'll tackle my legacy.

Where did the new year’s resolution come from? https://theconversation.com/where-did-the-new-years-resolution-come-from-well-weve-been-making-them-for-4-000-years-196661#

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