Happy Father's Day to those celebrating today! Special days that enable us to honor or show thanks to loved ones are magical. So, today I explore the idea of how to spark magic for yourself.
After recommending the idea of vision boards in the last post, it came to me that many friends may not be interested in a craft solution to focus on a goal or dream. The key is to find a way to spark some magic. So, it also came to me that it might be someone's jam to have special words that trigger those creative juices. Most importantly is to uplift yourself with those that make you smile!
Try this: Magic Words Can Spark Ideas!
Here is a fun way to find magic words that enhance your creativity. Start with some key questions like these that got me going:
- What if I could…?
- What might I try today…?
- What would happen if…?
- Where can I go…?
Hope these questions already sparked some fun answers. To the first question, I wondered, "what if I could FLY!" That brings up all kinds of great images like using my arms, taking off, and zooming through the clouds. What about you?