Have you already turned the car radio to the 24-hour Christmas music or the holiday playlist on your phone? I couldn’t wait for the music to be blasting everywhere and to watch my favorite hot chocolate scene in Polar Express!
Yet, thinking of the decorating, holiday parties, and travel, it causes me to get anxious. So, this quote from the Dalai Lama really helped me refocus on positivity: "Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day."*
Try This: A Small Happy Thought = Holiday Cheer
Today, consider one small happy thought that can turn into holiday cheer. Get started with these simple prompts every morning especially when you've got a super busy day and feel anxious:
- I smile every time I say "X"
- My favorite holiday movie that makes me laugh is "Y"
- My favorite friend that can make me smile is "Z"
It helps you to go into that alignment with joy, happiness, excitement, and expectation. The key is to use the positives to generate smiles to fund your holiday cheer.