Something New

Last week, I tried something new. It was a New Moon ritual of putting down the wishes of what I'd like to have come true. The idea is that the moonlight hitting the paper can give those wishes energy. What a fun thing to do right?

"Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes." Mary Martin*

Well, there was a lot of energy in writing down the wishes, thinking about what I want to manifest in my life. It was a great exercise and I found myself nodding and smiling - a real mood lifter.

While a new moon ritual may not be your cup of tea, there are other ways to kickstart your joy.

Try This: Something New

This is a good week to consider expanding your horizons. The key is to give your brain and heart something to open a new pathway, maybe generate new ideas. Consider:

  • A new food - cook a recipe or try a new dish at a restaurant
  • A new exercise routine - yoga, walking, hiking or biking
  • A new philosophy - read a book by a guru or expert
  • A new experiment or ritual - write in a journal or create a vision board

When opening your mind to a new experience, it allows for fun and adventure!

* Quote on Brainyquote website from Mary Martin, American Actress, known for playing Peter Pan on stage:

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