Which do you relate to when you wake up each morning: "Good, God, it's morning!" with a big smile, or "Good God, it’s morning," with a sigh? There is a subtle difference in how you feel each morning as you drop your feet onto the floor and stand up.
With all kinds of stresses, from life changes, financial demands, kids, work, and aging, sometimes it's hard to get restful sleep. Did you know the ideal amount of sleep for adults is 7 hours? But that requires a good sleep habit.
From research at the University of Cambridge, the findings include, "Having a consistent seven hours sleep each night, without too much fluctuation in duration, was also important to cognitive performance and good mental health and wellbeing."*
If you have a million things running through your mind, even things for your "to do" list, it's hard to turn off your brain. So this week let's focus on getting good rest.
Try This: Sweet Smelly Sleep
To help relax and fall into a peaceful sleep, experts often mention using scents from essential oils. You can find essential oils in your favorite health-food store, Sprouts, Whole Foods, and online. Try a scented sleep assist for a week and monitor your results:
- Dab a few drops on a cotton ball to be placed on or near your pillow
- Dose your pillow with a spray of your favorite oil
- Apply behind your ear, along temples, and/or wrists
- Add a few drops to a relaxing nighttime bath or in your shower
- Use a diffuser to scent your room about an hour before bedtime
A favorite of mine is a spray of eucalyptus on my pillow and if I’m feeling more stressed, I dab my favorite oil mixture under my nose.
* Sleep research from the University of Cambridge: https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/seven-hours-of-sleep-is-optimal-in-middle-and-old-age-say-researchers