Try Doodling

With the Fall comes a "back to school" flurry of activity, the excitement of football games or other sports ramping up, and the focus on holiday celebrations and shopping.  To be able to cope with changing schedules or having a full calendar, you need the benefits of a little creativity.  The best benefit is helping you to cope with change.

The key is that often you may not feel creative or able to generate ideas to move forward.  As Neil Gaiman*, award-winning author and screenwriter, offers: "You get ideas when you ask yourself simple questions. The most important of the questions is just, What if...?"

Try This: Boost Your Creativity

When you have the need for ideas, for coping with lots of change, and when dealing with stress, here are a few ways to try this week from an Inc. Magazine article, "32 Easy Exercises to Boost Your Creativity Every Day"**:

  • Make something new, funny or weird with objects lying on your desk.
  • Write something you want to solve in your notebook before you go to sleep. Sleep on your problem and let your subconscious do the work. When you wake up, ideate in your notebook.
  • Look at clouds and imagine them as things, just like when you were a kid.
  • Next time you're cooking, change a key ingredient and experiment.
  • Draw something without lifting your pen.

There are more to try from the article. You may find a few of the challenges a stretch which is the fun in jumpstarting your creative battery!

* Neil Gaiman, on his website:

** 32 Easy Exercises to Boost Your Creativity Every Day You don't need to be a talented artist to pick up a creative habit,

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